One of them has also filed a complaint of harassment against Ajay Maken and (All India Mahila Congress President) Shobha Oza," she added. photos and videos on Barkha Shukla Singh - ABP Live. "It is because of this attitude of Rahul Gandhi and Ajay Maken that as many as five districts presidents and 75 block presidents resigned from the organisation. Barkha Shukla Singh :Find latest news, top stories on Barkha Shukla Singh and get latest news updates. When we wanted to bring this to Rahul Gandhi's notice, our plea fell on deaf ears." She featured in numerous commercial advertisements of popular brands such as Cadbury, Coca-Cola, Clinic Plus, etc. Why is Rahul Gandhi in hiding? Why is he scared of meeting his own party members?" she added and claimed, "Ajay Maken misbehaved with many women party workers. Barkha started her acting career as a child artist at the age of 4. "If Vinay Katiyar says something demeaning Priyanka Gandhi then they (Congress leaders) speak out, why they don't react when other women party members are misbehaved with," Shukla asked. Cookie policy barkha shukla singh Expelled Congress leader Barkha Shukla Singh joins BJP Delhi: Former Mahila Congress chief expelled a day after she called. Sheila Dikshit which contained no valuable information for the women and girls of Delhi (Annexure S).
Barkha was the then sitting MLA, from the Commission’s funds with huge photographs of Barkha Shukla Singh and the then Chief Minister, Ms.
"The one pertinent question we need to ask today is why is Rahul Gandhi in hiding? Why is he scared of meeting his own party members?" Singh asked. Advertisements were put up in RK Puram Assembly area where Mrs. "Rahul Gandhi is unfit to lead the party," she said in the letter. Singh, a former Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief, had resigned from her party post on Thursday.